Wraparound Care
Welcome to Rise and Shine Breakfast Club and Stay and Play After-School Club
At King's Gate we provide Breakfast and After-School paid provision.
Mrs Nothard, Miss Bale, Mrs Fisher and Miss Webb run Rise and Shine from 7.45am-8.45am and Stay and Play from 3.00pm-5.00pm during term time.
Rise and Shine Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club is a fun and relaxing start to the day for children whose parents need childcare from 7.45am. Children that attend the morning session are provided with breakfast if they would like it.
Breakfast Menu
Served until 8.15am
Selection of cereals
Fresh fruit
Once breakfast is over the children can choose a selection of quiet activities until it is time to start the school day. They will then be taken to their respective classes and handed over to the teacher.
Stay and Play After-School Club
Children are collected from class and provided with a light snack.
After school Snack Menu
Served at approx 3.30pm
Fresh Fruit
After snack time we have a large selection of toys including board games, construction, puzzles, and art and craft activities which are available for the children to enjoy.
Weather permitting we go outside to explore the school grounds.
Children can take part in other clubs on offer in school then come to Stay and Play at 4.00pm.
To request a booking form please contact the School Office or email: admin@kingsgate.wilts.sch.uk