Year 3
Welcome to Term 1 and 2 The Firework Maker's Daughter
This term, we will be reading the text, 'The Firework Maker's Daughter', written by Philip Pullman. 'What Lila wants to be more than anything else in the world is . . . a Firework-Maker! Year 3 will be using this text to study geographical features and their affect on the environment. During terms 1 and 2, we will be looking at a range of volcanoes; where they are, their structure and how they vary. We will use the text to steer our learning on biomes, topographical features and case studies of volcanic eruptions.
Mr Sherfield
Homework Don't forget ... Monday - Reading records in please Tuesday - PE kit and Reading records in please Wednesday - Reading records in please Thursday - Fantastic Four Reading, homework due in please Friday - PE kit and Reading records in please and homework set
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