We have enjoyed meeting you and your wonderful children. We will see you on Wednesday for our parent meeting.
Firstly, on behalf of all of the staff at King's Gate Primary school, please let me warmly welcome you to our community.
This page is aimed at providing as much information as we can for parents who are about to join our King's Gate family or those who would like to find out more information.
We aim to keep this page updated with information that we feel will be useful for you and your child.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do contact us through the admin email address: admin@kingsgate.wilts.sch.uk .
Kindest regards
Amanda Gough
FS2 teacher, Assistant head
At King's Gate Primary school, we are very fortunate to have an outdoor area specifically designed by our children, for our children! Our learning environment is safely fenced in so that children can access the outdoors whatever the weather!
All of our learning environment has been designed alongside the children's interests, it encourages them to be independent learners, solve problems, ask questions and seek answers!
How can I get my child ready for school?
Here is the big news: when your child starts primary school, we do not expect them to be able to read and write!
Every child comes to school with different experiences and skills. It is our job to ensure that all children have equal opportunity to develop the necessary skills and knowledge throughout their time with us.
There are many things that you can do with your child that make the transition into school easier for everyone.
Below is a list of things that we would love your child to be able to do or to have practised when they come into school:
- Dress themselves: girls should have a go at putting on and taking off tights if they are going to wear these to school. Some parents choose to send their girls into school wearing socks on PE days. Boys, have a go at using the zips on trousers!
- Teach your children to put on their own coat.
- Put on and take off their own shoes: this may mean that they need shoes with velcro and not laces or buckles.
- Go to the toilet independently: including wiping themselves and washing their hands, every year we will have one child who happily sits on the toilet shouting for someone to come and help!
- Earrings: if your child wears earrings, these have to be removed for PE lessons. Your child must be able to remove their own earrings for PE but if they can't, this must be done by parents before school
We will of course never leave a child to do something themselves if they can't and there will be children who have very specific needs. We will always encourage a child to have a go if we think it is appropriate and then support them in being successful.
In the first few weeks we will sit down to talk to you, hopefully answer some of your questions and find out if your child has any specific needs that we can help with.
Getting to know our school: Here are some resources to help you find out a little more about our wonderful school! Our learning environment is developing all of the time, along with the needs of our wonderful children! |
Here is a video of your new classroom. We have created a video of our classroom: to help your child feel familiar with our classroom, we encourage you to watch the video together.
We know that Lunchtime can cause some children anxiety, we have created a video of lunchtime so that you can watch it together and see how our lunchtime looks. ** Come and visit our school lunch hall! **A tour and story from our school library. |
** Join us for a virtual tour by clicking here! |
** Join Mrs Gough for a story about starting school here! |
Useful documents:
Click here for the Transition Booklet
Click here for the initial letter to parents and carers
Click here for the Photo Tour Booklet http://online.fliphtml5.com/btjbd/ivug/#p=12
You can find other policies and information under the 'Parent' tab on the 'Home' page.
Keep in touch!
We have lots of ways that you can stay in contact with us.
Email us: admin@kingsgate.wilts.sch.uk
Telephone us: 01980 669777
Join our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/kingsgateprimary/
Find us on twitter: https://twitter.com/kingsgate_pri
Join our parent app: Homerun
If you go to this website, you will find a list of storybooks all about starting school. These might be a nice way to start talking to your child about this huge step in their life and alleviate any worries that they might have:
Useful links:
Starting School Campaign (BBC)
Starting school is a huge milestone in both you and your child's life. Whilst it is very exciting, we also understand that you may have questions and worries. Learning to hand over your child to another persons care can be a worrying time.
What will primary school life be like?
What can you do to prepare yourself and your child for the very best start?
The Starting Primary School campaign offers a toolkit of practical advice, support and resources for parents, guardians and children across a wide range of areas including school life, daily routine, sleep and how to support children practically and emotionally.
Starting Primary School also provides videos and articles for parents featuring information from experts and been-there-done-that tips from other parents. Your children can also explore their questions about school by playing a fun interactive game.
What do you need to know?
We are here to help!
Lots of children can become upset when parents leave them on those first important school days.
Children are all different, some will run in without a backward glance (this does not mean that they will not miss you!)
Some will have a few tears and some may become very distressed. It is a new experience for them and for you and we understand this!
We are working with children because we care about them. If your child is distressed we will not leave them crying, we will comfort them and we will keep in contact with you.
Keep us informed!
If something has happened that day, Granny has gone home after a visit, a parent has gone away to work, you didn't have the best start to the day . . let us know, we can support your child when we know that they need that little bit of extra help.